2023 Update and building Littlebotany Punggol again..
Hi Plant Folks,
Thank you for still visiting this website and reading my blog posts. 2023 has been quite a promising start. We managed to survive the aroid market crash. Its somehow almost equivalent to a crypto crash. A lot of seller I know who were hoarding what was once trending plants, had a hard time selling them and recuperating their losses. I honestly felt really bad for them. I am so lucky I did not hop on the trends and only made small aroid purchases towards the end of 2022.
Despite all that, I do think 2023 is a great reset for the plant scene. I had so many non-covid plant newcomers and most I met, are really into plants for just the beauty of it. It is really fun for me now honestly. I get to explore different varieties of plants and share affordable uncommon species with the masses once again. I was really pressured by the skyrocketed prices back in 2022 and I am so relieved that there's some normalcy in the plant prices now.
Also, yup, you heard that right. We are opening Littlebotany Punggol AGAIN. Long story short, the new landlord wanted us to join the space and were even kind enough to give us the same exact space. It is so refreshing to actually get kind landlords who knows what they're doing. If you remember our previous landlord, it's just yikes. Honestly I am a little burnt out and exhausted to build again but Littlebotany Punggol was my baby. I just have to do it. My heart says go for it. I have to admit though, I feel a lot of pressure once the news came out that we are returning the space.
I am so so blessed to have a great plant family with me. Zach, Ash, Faizal, Eza, Sarah, Sal, Hilmi, Elsa, Azri, Rayne, Chee li, Larry, Karen, Jedidah and so many others. Thank you so much for lifting me up and always being there for me.
A lot of people are expecting the same Littlebotany Punggol and to be honest it is hard to replicate the same exact vibe. I am just hoping that all of you who are returning, to have an open heart and mind. I am trying something different with the space and have a different concept to it this time. I hope you will fall in love with the space again like how we all did the last time.
In saying that, I just want to say a big thank you for all your support this past 4-ish years and also to those who are still supporting us. It allowed me to start Littlebotany Punggol again. Your contribution has given me a platform to help others, do charity work and also keeping my dream alive. It was a tough 2022 and I am glad I made through it. It is all thanks to you. Thank you thank you. See you folks at Littlebotany Punggol soon!