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Good day plant folks! Today's post might be quite upsetting and deals with some mental health issues. If you are sensitive to these issues. Please do not continue.Chapter 3 - Dream turned into nightmare. We were so blessed to be given an opportunity by Social Innovation Park, to be able to rent the space for our Littlebotany project. I am super surprised that they liked my super amateur proposal. At that time I had a broken computer(still broken) and I literally drew out what I imagined Littlebotany would looked like. Ash helped me with the content. Sarah even helped me...

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Good day plant folks! Today's post will be slightly personal and I will be writing about our journey starting Littlebotany. This is going to be a really long post and I have divided it into chapters. It might also be a little boring so if you did not enjoy reading this chapter, then at least you won't have to waste any more of your time reading the others. Trigger warning, there might be some mentions of mental health issues. If you are sensitive to this, you may wish to not proceed with reading it. Chapter 1 - How it all...

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Good day plant folks!Let's talk about the royal family of the philodendron genus, the pink princess. It is said to be a mutation of the philodendron erubescens. Generally they are quite moderate-easy to care for. However with tissue-culture cultivars appearing in the market nowadays (like the ones in our store), it is good to actually give extra care and be more observant when caring for them. Here are a few reasons why: (Pink princess lensed by @Sarah.synthesis) 1) They generally start small nowadays as most are tissue cultured. Treat them like baby philodendrons or seedlings. Respect their demanding requirements. Give...

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hdb, light, plant care, singapore -

Good day plant folks! Today I will share with you 4 simple ways to understand light requirements in a typical HDB setting. As you know, most information online are suited mostly for the western climates. Do take a day to observe how the light comes into your home. I will share 4 types to help you recognize amount of the light in your HDB homes.  1) Full sun This is basically direct sun rays that hit your plants. You can even feel the heat on your skin. A minimum of 6 hours of direct sun is sufficient for your full...

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